the mother f n friend zone

wats up with girls. They sit up there lead u on and then start sending u mixed messages and b4 u can sneeze from all that b s they inject u with your stuck in this famous friend zone. Truthfully its not even a zone its an m f n jail/ trap/ditch/guantanimo bay with a hint of isolationism in there. But not realy because ur in there with like 100 other guys. Do u know that u guys do that its hella annoying and I’ve found myself in this situation too many times. WTF there’s no girl that I’m good friends with thative approached that I could see myself with. I mean y else would I put up with all ur talkin. But seriously some of my best friends r girls I just want u girls not to put guys in that box so fast. And if they come up to u and spark up a conversation they wanna do u. Its ok not to like but don’t get there hopes up or leadem on that shizz is annoying.

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