Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

nuclear engineering

September 13, 2008

woot woot I finaly know what I wanna do… Nuclear engineering. Damn this is one of the best careers in the world within the next 20 years ne should have already powered mosly eveything with it. See the cool thing is in ne the energy is taken from the activity of atoms. And in case you don’t know atoms house alot of energy. Matter of fact matter is just a form of energy which is shown in the equation E=mc^2. That equation is the shiz Einstein u r a genius. The downside of nuclear engineering is the waste. Damn y is there always a downside. This waste is usualy( as in always) is radio active which in Case u don’t know is bad realy bad. Cancer causing bad . Retarded babies bad. But with every problem there is a solution u see with radio activity what’s happening is that the radio active stuff is actualy shooting off excess protons. And when they fly off they go through ur skin and hit ur DNA wich then breaks up. And u know DNA always wanting to go through I forgot what its called but whatever it multiplies. And then u got a billion messed up DNA scripts in ur body which is bad and somehow this causes cancer I don’t want to go into detail. But luckily we know what to do with this stuff we bury it. And through time the substance gets less radioactive by expelling all its extra protons then its safe. But whatever I’m just saying nuclear engineering is the shiz and is a realy efficient way of powering something such as a submarine plane city. Nuclear engineering is cool and it is a feild of work that one can go into and have the chance to expand. They get paid well too about average of 100 k a year sooo yeah that’s my take on that

rappers rockers comparison

September 11, 2008

If hip hop should die before I wake I’ll put an extended clip in and bodyem all day. That’s rap not all this I’m pimpin these hoes and selling crack turn around and ima shoot u in your back all u niggas in the back . WTF is that shit I can understand one song like that but when your whole library of songs is like that you
need to stop and do something else. I like old time rappers like AZ nas tupac biggie canibus but these new rappers lil Wayne soulja boy Florida mims boosie dmx and lots more need to stop. Y do u people keep buying bad music I mean seriously marco polo DAMN that shit is horrible I understand that everyone wants a song you can dance to yoooooouuuuiiu I mean that was fun for like a week or two but y did people buy the cd these people are getting rewarded for bad music. Tupac said more money should go to rappers so they could give back to the community I don’t know how he gave back but at least he made realy good songs dear momma keep your head up and so on. This is to those people who say they don’t like rap because its all nigga nigga dis nigga dat gang bang. To them I say there good rappers still making music its just not always on the radio. Nas n az r still at it canibus made a new cd recently but in conclusion I’m saying bad rappers stop and good rappers keep at it

the mother f n friend zone

September 11, 2008

wats up with girls. They sit up there lead u on and then start sending u mixed messages and b4 u can sneeze from all that b s they inject u with your stuck in this famous friend zone. Truthfully its not even a zone its an m f n jail/ trap/ditch/guantanimo bay with a hint of isolationism in there. But not realy because ur in there with like 100 other guys. Do u know that u guys do that its hella annoying and I’ve found myself in this situation too many times. WTF there’s no girl that I’m good friends with thative approached that I could see myself with. I mean y else would I put up with all ur talkin. But seriously some of my best friends r girls I just want u girls not to put guys in that box so fast. And if they come up to u and spark up a conversation they wanna do u. Its ok not to like but don’t get there hopes up or leadem on that shizz is annoying.